The Dangers of your Favourite Energy Drinks

The Dangers of your Favourite Energy Drinks

The Dangers of your Favourite Energy Drinks

Marketed as sports drinks to increase alertness and sporting energy while slowly killing the consumer from the inside, the so-called energy drinks that are loved so much that you can’t pass a  day without seeing an ad either in the streets, on social media or on your tv stations on how much you need them in your life .


These energy drinks are highly unregulated with ridiculous amounts of caffeine, some even having a whooping 400mg of Caffeine which can possibly stimulate a bull, Vitamin B,s and some additional ingredients which can cause extreme harm than good.

To everyone’s surprise, you will definitely find them in every store from every corner of the world, what’s more concerning is they have no age restriction so even an 8 year-old child can purchase them at any given time.


The amount of sugar inside a mere 500ml energy like the green one and blue one we all love so much is up to 20 deep teaspoons xD … YES 20 teaspoons. I remember being told by my mother not to pour more than 2 teaspoons into my cup of tea yet nowadays we are taking it by a multiple of 20 wow. What’s even scarier is the types of diseases you end up with from atherosclerosis resulting in diabetes type 2, heart issues, etc.


It’s quite clear so far that it’s all business. It’s not the health of the consumers they care about its just all about money.

Oh yes, another thing is the acidity of these drinks, these manufacturers make these drinks with batteries in mind because the PH levels are just way too low, a battery needs acids with a ph lower than 3,5 – 4 and ummm almost all the energy drinks in the market have a PH lower than 4 to be exact from 2.5 to 3 actually.

Ok, I know someone is actually saying that the normal PH range of a human being’s stomach should be within the ranges of 1 to 3 but still, that doesn’t change the fact that if you consuming highly acidic foods or drinks it can result into complications of osteoporosis from the reduction of bone mineral density causing bones to easily break, acidic reflux, heartburn, and even teeth bad breath and color.


We can go on and on about the negative effects of these energy drinks which cause much more harm than good. Let’s not ignore the fact that people drink these energy drinks, its because they need that instant energy to hit the gym, study, work or stay up at night, I’m not so sure if that is a valid reason why we have to destroy our health all for the sake of short-lived alertness and the likes.

Energy drinks should never be consumed by anyone with age 21 and less. Even for adults in an ever-innovative world where being health conscious is now a requirement, rather grab a cup of coffee or the new healthy, easily consumable, fast acting and a safe new standard for your source of energy…..


The benefits of using Gumrs –  Hype up chewing gums are plenty, it actually requires writing a book but we will squeeze it all into a single post into our next writing.

You can now get your Hype Up chewing gums at the very low price of R12. 1 Pack of the Hype UP Chewing gums are equivalent to 1 medium-sized red bull energy drink without the loaded unhealthy nonsense, it doesn’t only contain caffeine (the main ingredient) but also a couple of additional natural and organic ingredients which create a synergistic effect to HYPE you UP.

Gumrs – Hype Up Chewing Gums are coming to your Stores soon.

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