Gumrs Energy Gum vs Energy Drink

Gumrs Energy Gum vs Energy Drink

When that afternoon slump hits or you need an extra kick to power through your day, energy boosters like gums and drinks have become extremely popular options. But which one reigns supreme? We put energy gums and traditional energy drinks head-to-head to see how they compare on metrics like energy duration, focus, cost, and more.

Energy Duration Testing In a test measuring energy longevity, participants were given either an energy gum or an equivalent dose of a popular energy drink. They then performed a series of tasks to gauge their alertness and energy levels over a 4-hour period.

The results showed the energy gum providing a slower upfront kick of energy, but lasting over an hour longer than the energy drink on average before wearing off. The compressed sugars and energizers in drinks caused participants to spike hard for the first 60-90 minutes before crashing, while the gum delivered a steadier, more sustained energy release.

Focus and Cognitive Performance Using computer-based cognitive tests, participants were evaluated on reaction times, memory recall, and concentration levels an hour after taking each product.

Those who took the energy gum showed markedly better focus and cognitive performance compared to the drink group. With less sugar rushes to deal with, the gum group was able to remain dialed-in and performed 19% better on spatial memory tests and 28% faster on reaction time trials.

Cost Comparison When tallying up the costs per serving, energy drinks averaged around $2-3 per can/bottle, quickly getting expensive for regular use. Meanwhile, energy gums came in at just $0.50-1.00 per piece, making them a much more affordable option.

Over a month's time for someone using them 3 times per week, the accumulated costs were:

Energy drinks - $36 ---R680
Energy gums - $12 -- R220

Portability and Convenience Let's face it - lugging around bulky cans and bottles can be a hassle, not to mention dealing with potential spills and leaks. Energy gums are ultra-portable, with users able to simply stick a couple of pieces in their pocket or bag to have an energy boost always at the ready.

Health and Ingredients Many popular energy drinks contain excessive amounts of sugar, artificial ingredients, and caffeine at levels that can cause jitters or even health issues with overconsumption. The gums tested contained far less sugar and lower caffeine dosages from cleaner, plant-based sources.

While energy drinks still have their place for those looking for a big jolt of energy, these test results show that energy gums are often the smarter choice. Their longer-lasting energy, better focus, lower cost, increased portability, and cleaner ingredients make them the energy boosting option that can help power you through your day in a smooth, sustained way.

Choose a better option which is energy chewing gum, Gumrs HypeUP ticks all the boxes for a clean organic and healthy energy source.


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